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New Haven, CT
A few of the most popular affordable restaurants in or near New Haven, CT are listed below. Check it out!
Address: 771 Grand Avenue.
Cuisine: Italian.
Average cost: under $25.
Details: Smoking is not permitted outside the specially arranged areas.
Address: 1450 Whalley Avenue.
Cuisine: Japanese.
Average cost: under $25.
Details: Carryout is available.
Address: 1426 Whalley Avenue.
Cuisine: Greek.
Average cost: under $25.
Details: This spacious restaurant has a colorful décor. Carryout is available here.
Address: 341 Whalley Avenue.
Cuisine: American/Italian/Greek.
Average cost: under $15.
Details: The place is open for lunch and dinner. Cash only is accepted as payment.
Address: 68 Whitney Avenue.
Cuisine: Italian/Greek.
Average cost: under $15.
Details: Smoking is not allowed inside the restaurant. Carryout is available.
Address: 698 Washington Avenue.
Cuisine: Latin American.
Average cost: under $15.
Details: Reservations are not accepted. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served here. Smoking is not allowed and alcohol is not served at this restaurant.
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